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Food for stomach ulcers is available at home

Heartburn which often recur suddenly is very disturbing of daily activities. In order not to get worse, you also need to select and know a variety of good food consumed for heartburn sufferers. Heartburn is generally caused by inflammation of the stomach (gastritis), infection, consumption of certain drugs, the habit of consuming alcoholic beverages, caffeine, spicy food, smoking, and stress. If not treated immediately, heartburn can trigger bleeding in the stomach and increase the risk of dangerous diseases, such as stomach cancer.

Good Food For Heartburn Patients

In general, food selection for heartburn sufferers aims to ease the workload on the digestive tract and help neutralize excess stomach acid. The following are a variety of foods that are good for heartburn sufferers, including:
  • Banana and melon

  • Bananas and melons are fruits that have low acidity. Both of these fruits are highly recommended for consumption by heartburn sufferers, because they help stabilize the increase in stomach acid. In addition, there are other fruits that have low acidity, such as apples and pears.
  • Ginger

  • One of these root plants is a natural remedy that can be used to treat digestive problems, including heartburn. You only need to peel, cut, or grate ginger and put it in boiling water to make ginger tea. Ginger tea is an effective drink as an anti-inflammatory and reliever of acid reflux.
  • Oatmeal

  • Eating a bowl of oatmeal before starting the activity is highly recommended for heartburn sufferers. This is because, oatmeal is able to absorb stomach acid and reduce symptoms of acid reflux. In addition, oatmeal can provide healthy fiber intake for your body. Other sources of fiber that you can choose from include wheat bread.
  • Aloe vera

  • Aloe vera plant is known as a natural herb and also a cure for heartburn. Aloe vera is available as a supplement, or can be consumed directly after cooking. Research shows that aloe vera can reduce the risk of stomach ulcers, and prevent excess stomach acid production. This herbaceous plant also contains anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant substances.
  • Fennel

  • Food for heartburn this one is a natural ingredient that can be consumed in the form of salads. Simply slice the fennel thinly, then mix it with various other vegetables, such as argula and spinach. Fennel plants are safe for consumption by people with ulcers because they have low acidity and can improve stomach function.
  • Celery

  • Celery has almost no calories because of its high water content, and is a good food choice if you suffer from stomach acid or stomach ulcers. In addition, celery can also be used as an appetite suppressant and is an excellent source of fiber.
  • Green vegetable

  • Eating vegetables is recommended for heartburn sufferers, because it helps reduce the increase in stomach acid. It is recommended to choose vegetables that have low acidity, such as broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, string beans, spinach and cucumbers.
  • Brown rice

  • Complex carbohydrates present in brown rice, longer digested in the stomach so that it can help prevent an increase in stomach acid.
  • Meat

  • Most types of meat, such as poultry and fish, can be consumed even if you have heartburn. The best meat choices for heartburn sufferers are lean meat. Avoid the method of processing by frying. How to process meat by grilling or boiling is the best for heartburn sufferers.
Heartburn sufferers need to avoid foods or drinks that are acidic, spicy, high-fat, contain alcohol, caffeine, and soda. Besides, eating good food for ulcer sufferers. You also must pay attention to regular eating patterns and do not leave an empty stomach for too long. These habits will increase the risk of acid reflux which causes stomach ulcers. Consult your doctor if you suffer from chronic gastritis that does not go away, in order to get the right treatment.
